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Coming soon! Links to other LPAM sites.
There are a few others like myself who really like the potential for AM; Not many, but I'll create a page full of the top links here. Scroll down and see if there are any useful sites for you! And please put my site address on your site.

Remember: LPAM & analog, it's the wave of the future for the technologically-left-behind or those who just like it, and that's okay!

General Links...
Dogpile I use this search engine the most.
Radio-locator Find U.S. radio stations; check out frequencies.
Corporate Media Info See the media monopoly that's taking shape.
Syracuse Community Radio I can see the station control room from my window, but can barely pick their part 15 FM station up. Their fcc frequencies barely hit Syracuse at all, at least for right now.

More Sites...
Radio diversity I'm all in favor of diversity on the radio dial.
CNY Radio Boards For radio folk in Central NY; Mostly commercial posts.
Allston-Brighton Radio Ya gotta dig it; LPAM in action!
Elephant audio I bought the access, because I don't have cable and like to listen to CNN and E! TV.
WPTT-AM Most commercial stations are lame, but not WPTT-AM. Check out Lynn Cullen noon to 3pm, she's great!
The AM Stereo page I have one of these units; can't get it to go more than 100 feet, but hey it's in stereo.
Commercial radio bought and paid for. Most people just don't know, or don't care.
Part 15 antenna info Check out the articles some of which are LPAM useful.
Autek's RF-1 unit You may want to get an antenna tuner. Which is best? Please e-mail me your answer!


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